Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Secrets and Shadows

What is your deepest secret?  That was the question in an online writing workshop I attended and the very fact it was online and not in a classroom made it possible to answer and explore what made it a secret without having to share.  What is yours?  Writing it down may set you free.
   Of course, the illusion of secrecy can lead to all kinds of internet follies (Weiner) or worse.  Tom McMaster blogged under the identity of a lesbian woman, Amina Araf in Damascus.  Finally caught, he showed little actual remorse for the havoc he wreaked on the Syrians who were trying to help Amina get out of the country, the young lesbian he was planning to meet in Italy, or his wife, who apologized to the press.  In an odd twist, McMaster flirted with with Paula Brooks online, who was actually 58 year old Bill Graber also pretending to be a lesbian.  McMaster claimed the false identity was a simple writing exercise in which he was trying to get his voice.  I'd say unlikely to that.
    So keep your shadow side to yourself or express in ways that don't harm.  Don't let the ego make you feel you're above all human concerns or societal norms.  And above all, be careful on the internet.


A door clicks shut,
a clock ticks
competing with
a distant screech.
This is silence.
Or this,
Under a wave,
my head bashed
on the sea floor.
Absence of all.

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